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Which one of these 3 categories of

high performer are you?

  1. The Confused

Program: Happiness Addict

This is for you if: you’re going through a life transition, like divorce or break up, or grieving of a loved one, or want to go through a career change

Are you confused and unsure about where to go next in life or career?

Are you wanting to find your purpose or direction in life or career, but you are frustrated that you don’t know?

Have you been wanting to quit your job for a while but you have these fears that are stopping you from pulling the trigger?

Are you going through a traumatic break up or divorce, and you feel lost?

Are you looking to lose weight or get motivated to take action toward your long lost goals or that side project?

Are you just looking to get some sort of “overall happiness” and you don’t know how to find it?


The first category of clients I work with are going through a major change in their life or work. These individuals might be going through a transitional time due to events such as:

a break up, loss of a loved one, divorce, career change (or considering one) or going from corporate to entrepreneur.

If you fit into this category, you might be a candidate for the Happiness Addict Coaching Program. To get more information on this to see if you’re a good fit, click here.


2. The Secretly Empty


Secrets to Fulfillment

This is for you if: you seem to have it all from the outside, but deep down you feel like something is missing and you’re not 100% fulfilled

Are you looking to build “real confidence” and “real happiness” because you feel like you’ve lost your edge?

Do you feel like you should be happy but do you find yourself stressed or exhausted all the time?

Do you feel like no matter how big your pay checks are, no matter what you buy, you don’t feel actually fulfilled or confident?

Do you feel lost, because you’ve chased your happiness all your career, and you still feel empty?

You are making close to 6 figures, maybe even 7 figures. You are what others would easily call “successful.”

Your friends think that your biggest problem that you have in life is choosing between an Audi or Tesla for your next car, or how big your next bonus check is.

You have no reason NOT be grateful and happy, after all. So you try to tell yourself that you have a good life, and tell your voice who tries to tell you otherwise to stop.

But you know the truth, even if no one else does.
And that makes it even worse because no matter what others think how good you have it, YOU know deep down that something is missing.

Deep down…. you are lonely. You desperately want to feel connected, to yourself, to your peace, and to the world around you. But you forgot how.

Oh but wait, this is where the internal battle really starts. You don’t want to open up about how you’re really feeling.
To anyone. At what cost? Your voice says.
”How ungrateful will they think I am?”
”Will they find out that I am not who they think I am?"
”Then how do I live with that shame?"

You tell yourself. Well, that’s not worth it. Nope. So you shut down. And in this process you numb yourself. And in that numbing, you hide. You hide behind your jokes, your “confidence,” your new car, your new Audi, new clients, blah blah blah. And because you're hiding you are even more lonely. And deep down you feel like a fraud.
You are living a double life.
And it’s exhausting.
You try to fill this gap.
You’ve tried drinking
You’ve tried counting your likes on your posts.
You’ve tried dating.
You’ve tried getting high.
You've tried sex.
You lash out at your girlfriend/mom/brother/best friend.
You’ve tried so many things.
And you’re just f*cking exhausted.
You are left feeling even emptier than before.
😡Who am I, really?
🤬What the F*CK is wrong with me?
You feel broken.
I am here to tell you something you MUST know.
Nothing is wrong with you. You are NOT broken. You were born perfect, you are whole. You are amazing. You are a child of the Universe.
🌟You just forgot.
💥You just forgot how powerful you are.
✨You just forgot how incredible you are.
🤸🏻‍♀️You just forgot how to access the real you, the joyful, playful, authentic you.
🌸That person exists behind all the masks you wear.

And how do I know all this?

Because these are the stories after stories of my clients under this category. And truly, what I help these category of my clients through, simply put, is the process of “remembering.” I just have to help you remember who you are deep inside.
Behind that layer of shame.
Behind that layer of guilt.
Behind that layer of "I'm not good enough."

And your power, your soul, your authentic self, and your pure loving energy within you is yours to claim, no one else's.
So why would you let them go to waste?

You can be stoked on life again.
You can find your real laughter again.
You can go to bed excited for the next day again.
You can love yourself again.
If this category speaks to you, click here to schedule a 15 minute chat with Coach Yuri.


3. The Conscious CEO


High Achievers Club (HAC) for Performance & Flow

This is for you if: you are a CEO or leader already, fairly content and you are doing fairly well in business, and want to know how you can become a better leader and optimize your mindset and habits more for massive growth through learning about EQ & spirituality

Are you ready to expand as a leader?

Are you ready to work on your secret weapon against your competitors, identify blindspots that may be stopping you from going to the next level in your success & business?

Are you truly embodying everything that you’re preaching to your team and others who look up to you?

What more is available for you, if you understood the flow of the Universe better?

A barber needs a barber, and a surgeon needs a surgeon. Sometimes one simply cannot see their own blindspots, no matter how brilliant and already an established of a leader they are.

This program is all about embodiment of all your core values, so that you can show up even more powerfully for yourself, for your team, and therefore for the world.

This program ignites your capabilities as an inspirational leader who can not only lead a team by executing tasks, but to lead from your heart so that you can create a lasting legacy in your industry as well as your life.

If this category speaks to you, click here to schedule a 15 minute chat with Coach Yuri.

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